Welcome New Specialists in Medical Optometry!
First and foremost, the Board would like to welcome all those Optometrists newly certified in the Specialty of Medical Optometry:
- Matthew Beard
- Luanne Chubb
- Sara Ciccotelli
- Matthew Cordes
- Luke Cyr
- Deborah Duan
- Jason Fliegel
- Angella Gentry
- Alicia Greene
- Lindsey Hardy
- Matthew Horton
- Yun-Ting Huang
- David Johnson
- Allicia Kelly
- Jenna Leber
- Elizabeth Lemos
- Jarett Mazzarella
- Guadalupe Mejia
- Tran Nguyen
- Joshua Oliver
- Neelam Patadia
- Shephali Patel
- Hilary Price
- William Prunty
- Eric Reinhard
- Lea Rogers
- Allison Schafers
- Ryan Terry
- Julie Tuten
- Erica Vanderpool
- Eric Viloria
- Michael Wingard
If you work with any of these new Specialists, please introduce yourself and congratulate them on their new certification – you know exactly how much work they’ve done to accomplish this!
JoMO – The Journal of Medical Optometry
Work continues on the first edition of the new journal. Currently, the article submission form is on the ABCMO website but it will move to the JoMO website upon publication. Submissions are welcome, always.
Journal of Medical Optometry – Submit an Abstract or Article
ACMO Exam – June 22, 2023
The next ACMO exam is Thursday, June 22, 2023. If you know any Optometric Residents or participate in their training, ABCMO would appreciate it if you forwarded this email to them. There is a significant discount on exam fees if it is taken in the Residency year.
Verification of Certification (VOC) – What ABCMO Reports
When ABCMO receives a VOC request (most often from a Joint Commission accredited health care facility) it reports one of the following status categories for the O.D. in question: Active, Inactive, Retired, Revoked or Never Certified. Active and Inactive status are based on participation in the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. Retired status may be requested at any time.
Verification of Certification
Maintenance of Certification
Medical Optometry – Case by Case
As part of our ongoing mission to keep the definition of Medical Optometry up to date and highlight the advanced competence of practicing Specialists, ABCMO is looking for authors to write case studies about the eye conditions, diagnoses, treatments and outcomes encountered by those practicing Medical Optometry.
Case Studies – Author Info and Signup Page
Continuing Education (CE) – Informal Survey
Are you taking CE that you feel is equal to COPE-ARBO accredited CE in terms of scope and difficulty? Who or what organization administers it? Would you send us some details? As a matter of policy, ABCMO Maintenance of Certification relies on COPE-ARBO accredited CE because it is a national standard but we are also very interested in learning about high-quality CE from other sources.