Welcome New Specialists in Medical Optometry!
First and foremost, the Board would like to welcome all those O.D.s newly certified in the Specialty of Medical Optometry: Robert Binkley, Mackenzie Black, Patrick Clark, Michelle D’Amura, Dean Fasciani, Caryn Herman, William Hileman, Carrie Ho, Gayle LePosa, Rachael Miller, Elizabeth Phillips, Ashley Rone, David Sarah, Jennifer Sutter and Leslie Wilderson.
If you happen to work with any of these people please introduce yourself and congratulate them on their certification – you know exactly how much work they’ve done to accomplish this.
A Letter to VA Optometry Residency Coordinators: The Benefits of the ACMO Exam
This editorial first appeared in Optimum VA, The Official Newsletter of the National Association of VA Optometrists, January/February 2022. In addition to outlining several benefits of taking the ACMO exam during Residency, this editorial also mentions a major change in 2019 to VA Handbook 5017 and the SAA system.
What is Medical Optometry?
In this editorial Dr. Kenneth Myers, President of ABCMO, discusses the Specialty of Medical Optometry and the historic “split” between retail and clinical health care that can be seen in multiple professions.
Verification of Certification (VOC) – What ABCMO Reports
When ABCMO receives a VOC request (usually from a Joint Commission accredited health care facility credentialing committee) it reports one of the following status categories for the O.D. in question: Active, Probation, Retired, Revoked, or Never Certified. More information about these categories can be found on the VOC webpage.
Maintenance of Certification (MOC) – What You Need to Know
Effective January 1, 2023 ABCMO will begin reporting O.D.s Certified by ABCMO but not enrolled in MOC as having Status: Probation when asked by credentialing committees and employers. Until then, ABCMO will continue to report Status: Active (followed by an email reminder to the O.D. to enroll in MOC as soon as possible).
Starting in July 2022, and continuing through the end of the year, ABCMO will begin reaching out to each and every Diplomate about their MOC status and if necessary making adjustments to renewal dates for those already enrolled in MOC. This is so that no O.D. falls into the Probation or Revoked category by accident in 2023.
ACMO Exam Scheduled for Friday, June 10, 2022
While the odds are very high that if you are reading this you have already taken the exam yourself, the odds are equally high you are working with someone who hasn’t. Please share this if any of your colleagues ask about your experience with ABCMO and attaining Certification.
ACMO Exam Scheduled for June 10, 2022
Peer-Reviewed Journal Under Study
ABCMO is currently investigating the feasibility of launching an online, peer-reviewed journal. If you would be interested in submitting work (articles, editorials, interest pieces) or working on the Editorial or Peer-Review teams please use the link below to let us know.